i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

where is the moment we needed the most...

had a bad day.

got caught jaywalking.

i wasn't caught.

they were waiting to attack.

and blame myself for not knowing how traffic policemen look like.
yes i know...


but they were dressed down.

they dont look like those on their bikes on the road.
and they were SHORT.
i thought it was a group of students gathering around.

they got a whole lot. stupid ass.
this is the dumbest thing to get fined for.

alright so that aside. on the way to work i realised that i forgot my working pass.

had to get a visitors pass for the day.
and for me its so inconvenient.

my work area is secured.
we have to tap our cards to get in.
and the visitors pass doesnt work that way.

and we unlock the printer with our cards too.
damn damn damn...

so my monday didnt begin well.
so i wanted to end it asap.
i planned to take the first bus leaving in the evening.

i was alittle late, i rushed down.
i "caught" the bus,
the bus closes its door and begin to drive off,
i knock on the door. but the driver couldnt see me.

and off it went.

nxt bus in 15mins. oh well.

got to the train station.

what the bloody hell is wrong??!!
checked my card, got it to work.

walked home safe and sound.
but time passed way too fast at home.
