hot like peas in a pod; this pod is a vid/ foto blog, enjoy the fotos and other trash. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. je veux apprendre à parler français.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007
i bet not much of you had seen this
the teaser trailer for "Stepford Wives" cool. :) i liked Nic's lil giggle at the end.
those who haven caught the movie, might wanna catch it. but its a flop, sadly. watch it if you're freakin bored. dont take the movie too seriously. haha.
ps: sorry nic. :( but her other films are A class. :D
"I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" trailer
haha lol...
"are you and daddy homosexicals?"
and the last part...
gotta catch that!! :)
trip to JB
dinner at Modesto's
Brunei's 20 bucks
Thursday, August 9, 2007
all of them are from the Atomic Kittens. well, they're now, like their name, gone.
and whats making it so 90s is that this is a karaoke version. hahaha omg. singalong!
"I want your love"
"Whole Again"
"Right Now"
more of my fave 90s music coming up in future posts... when i've managed to remember them... most prob the ultimate S CLUB 7. my fave group. the kittens are just fave music at that time but the S Clubbers are the one that had me at S CLUB PARTY. :D i bought every single one of their albums and watched every episode, every season of their tv series, mags with them gracing the cover. u can say that i like them like i love Nic. but Nic has more stuff of cos, now that they've disbanded.
oh...almost forgot...
august 9th is here again, hooray hooray... lol. :/
happy 42nd national day singapore!
why why why?
selfish people
I can't understand why some people can be so fudging selfish with everything.
They won't help anyone but theirselves and have no regard foranyone or anything.
These miserable bas-3rd should be nuked and fudging pissed on.
It amazes me how stupid and selfish people are today.
Listen up,you selfish and ignorant people.
is that all about you?
why do i have a selfish brother?
self centered.
so full of it.
exactly the type of person that you wouldnt wanna have as a friend.
he's the kind of person that teases you at school.
you dread to see everyday.
thinks he's the best.
thinks he's always right.
does that make him feel good?
if it does, i guess he's sick.
if he's not gonna change.
i guess he'll be a person whom people in the right mind wont wanna even talkto him.
or perish stupid monkey.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
"881" trailer
holy cow! haha i think im gonna watch that. that could be best local 7th month movie of the yr. lol... and to find out what the heck is a techno cat... hahahahahahaha
performances for shoutout '07
Wayne singing...
Ansel singing...
in my opinion, he should've won...
another song, in cantonese
uncle Leong singing...
Jannson beatboxing
look out for the last part, kinda cute lol... mary had a little lamb.
Band performance 1
Band performance 2
lastly, an original composition...
but not that fantastic. but its worth the listen at least twice tho. :/
i feel more with this one by Hossan Leong. haha
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
check this out. its cool!!! :)
Go to the one titled "This is so awesome..." dated August 04, 2007.
Play the video.
Look out for Nicole at 02:12 - 02:13
its a compilations of Hollywood Screen Legends..
this is so freakin cool!!!!!! they actually mould the faces one to another.... wow!!! :)
a tiny grasshopper sitting a women's shoulder
friday... 3 aug 07

after that we went to watch "Simpsons. The Movie"
spider pig... spider pig.... hahahaha lol...
after that... about 7pm ++ tea came... and we sent Greys to the train station... tea and i were gonna watch Jay Chou's new film, "Secret" at Cathay. it was like a sneak preview thing, cos the movie only opens here on the 8th of aug... the movie starts at 23:30... so there was ALOT of time on our hands...
after sending Greys to the station, tea said she wanna grab a bite at Carl's Jr but it was full as it was 7pm++ aka OPs knock off cum dinner time... so, we went to Burger King instead. tea had Rendang Burger, while i had nothing, cos i was still full from snacking during "Simpsons"... then after awhile into half eating her burger... tea was like, "what shall we eat later?" then i was like, "er! hello! you have not even finish eating what you have now and you're thinking about the next meal?!" then she,"....heh heh heh... my sister also say that to me..." anyway, after that we didnt eat anything... cos we kinda forgot...
then we went to shop at Cathay cos i said i've never been in there before... and... it was quite disappointing, alot of shops were not opened yet not much diff when i went there before which was when only the Theatre was opened... but the Ben & Jerry's there was quite special, they had a jamming area there, so you could eat ice-cream and listen to live band playing there. cool. :) and we went around taking pictures... i mean i took.... haha, of cos my fave...

Monday, August 6, 2007
"The Golden Compass" trailer
i cant wait to see it! Nic's playing a villain!! woohoo!!!
i miss her on big silver screen!!!!!