i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

why why why?

selfish people

I can't understand why some people can be so fudging selfish with everything.

They won't help anyone but theirselves and have no regard foranyone or anything.

These miserable bas-3rd should be nuked and fudging pissed on.

It amazes me how stupid and selfish people are today.

Listen up,you selfish and ignorant people.

is that all about you?

why do i have a selfish brother?

self centered.

so full of it.

exactly the type of person that you wouldnt wanna have as a friend.

he's the kind of person that teases you at school.

you dread to see everyday.

thinks he's the best.

thinks he's always right.

does that make him feel good?

if it does, i guess he's sick.


if he's not gonna change.

i guess he'll be a person whom people in the right mind wont wanna even talkto him.


or perish stupid monkey.

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