doors suppose to open at 7pm but we waited more than an hour before we could get in...
me and tea actually got the "can-i-check-your-id" thingy on the way in...
show started. late. at 830plus...
that Huang Yun Ren (music director) and the host for the event

that Huang Yun Ren (music director) and the host for the event
fully dressed, they performed "No.3 Mami" :)
this ONE here, i grabbed from funkiemonkies blog. :)
seems like the only clear shot of the night.

tea, small but at least they're clearer compared to the rest below. :) thanks.
better than nothing tho.
love that moulin rouge inspired top hat. cool. :)
love it love it.

love that moulin rouge inspired top hat. cool. :)
one of Project Superstar Host/ Dreamz FM
he sang "Replacment"
Qi Yu Wu & Roystan Tan (director of 881)

they sang the emo version of "Bad Times"

those lil pieces of stuff started dropping, so nice... haha lol.
Ngak, i kinda think he's cool. :)
he sang "Black May"
like the hair :)
Xiao Han, wrote the lyrics to "Black May"
like the hair :)