i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

5th oct 07-- our unsuccessful Sealey Brandt photog exhibition

after travelling from Pasir Ris to Commonwealth and a bus trip frm the station we arrived here at Colbar, 1 Westbourne Road.
main purpose was the Sealey Brandt: Photography exhibit.
but they were not ready so, we took a rest at "Colbar" which was nearby.
it was then when we realised that Colbar was actually a place which we saw on telly but didnt know where it was. so we indirectly "found" the place. lol...
cool huh! very old skool.
over at Westbourne Road its like western invasion!! caucasians EVERYWHERE!!
cars going by were driven by caucasians, walking on the road were caucasians, caucasians students/teenagers/couple EVERYONE EVERYWHERE.... SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
outdoors, it was windy-er so we sat outside. :)

thru Xin's specs

a pic taken by xin. doggy's butt. haha, the dog just wouldnt face her!

i wonder what xin saw.
what now?

but a reminder, haha, remember one of these wrapper "costs" 10cents when donated.

i tried to do something to tea but...

instead... :/

xin seemed to be not giving a damn... lol

i inverted and saturated the color so as to let u guys have a better look at the sign.
haha. not ready yet.
another one...
the exhibit banner
the (tyre) swing that we played with be4 we went back to the exhibit area.
xin taking a rest after getting off the swing. she was really giddy. haha my fault.

tea was like, "take n take n take..."

i like this pic cos of xin's hips. haha
nice red and white lanterns.
we DIDNT GO INTO the house for the exhibition. we chickened out.
i, or rather we didnt expect it to be in a house-like place full of CAUCASIANS!!
argh! we were so damn intimidated by them! dont know why, we felt extremely nervous maybe cos they expected people to purchase their pieces. GOD! so silly yet... omg. so difficult to xplian.
we didnt dare to knock the door, didnt dare to do ANYTHING!! we just stood outside here, this place, and loiter for an hour plus! then decided to leave. sigh...
i really wanna see her work. but.... oh god!
this was outside the "house"
as u can see from here, how interesting would it be if we were to see ALL of her works

Aden buliding
on the way out, we saw this old buliding that they were renovating...

at the bus stop.
xin with her most vogue-ish pose yet.
oh look! there's entertainment!!
xin seems to enjoy it?? haha

the "houses" were beautiful
xin took this of me.

xin seems bored...
last few pics before we got into the bus...
arrived at Plaza sing.
tried Missy Donut for the FIRST TIME...
Blueberry Chocolate
not VERY nice. but ok lah...

tried Saybons (C'est Bon actually) for the FIRST TIME
Banana Madness (crepe)
and also tried The Rice Magician for the FIRST TIME
3. (optional) CHOOSE A BEVERAGE
some Jap desserts...
it was their last day selling these wonderful balls, they were going at 3 bucks per box, usual price $4.90. after that day they'll be selling something like redbean fish-like pancakes.
3 flavours

after that we went to the foodcourt for dinner. only xin & tea ate there...
i was kinda full with my donut, crepe and that rice ball...(i didnt had the jap balls til i get home)

xin with her Yong Tau Fu SOUP
she just had her braces on so she only could have this for the time being.
cos her mouth was swallon and hurt alot, she cant have solid food.
poor thing. you could imagine why she had that look.
we went out, we saw a floating water bottle!!
in the train... trying to squeeze 3 in 1...

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