i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Monday, March 17, 2008

hospital visits one wk and counting...

at the neuroscience ward. since 11Mar'08.
my uncle (mom's bro) had a growth at the back of his head (again),
this is the third neurosurgury for him and very hard for us to watch. family members (my mom and aunts) get emotionally upset. as strong as i am able to not cry, i couldnt help it when my heart ranched seeing them tear, i didnt let them out cos i know it would be harder of them. so i held those freakin tears back, not easy dude, seeing them cry so hard.
i took my mother out so as to not let my uncle see her.
first time he recovered pretty quickly and back to normal as far as i can remember,
i was still young. then, about two years ago he had another op cos his serious headaches and blurry vision meant something. but after the second op, things werent so normal but he was able to be normal except that he slurred a little in his speech and slower, walked in an unstable motion, but everything turns out to be ok after sometime. this time the THIRD time, he's definitly become weaker but he's will is undeniable, in one wk we see him from weak arms and legs to movements in about 4days after the op(first 2 days he slept thruout and hadnt come around in the ICU). from talking in a way that nobody understands to joking and smiling, even commented on the nurses in the ward. from not being able to eat anything but liquid stuff going into his body thru the nose thing to having like vegetable puree and porridge!
walking thru the ward really was an experience, you see people have certain parts of their heads shaved and a dressed wound, anywhere of the head that you can or can't imagine being opened/sliced/slashed IS being opened, sliced or slashed.
anywhere. i mean ANYWHERE, back, front, sides.
like OUCH!
just that day, i saw/heard something in the Intensive Care Unit ward,
the music that you'll hear either at the temple or (hug a tree) a funeral.
the curtain was closed but damn the music was loud even tho its a room in the room(ICU),
i thought to myself, either he/she is GONE or is short (life), then i walked away.
after a couple of hours (we're there to visit the entire day)
i walked pass the ICU again to check that room out.
guess what? he/she is GONE. not. there.
"Holy crap!" i thought.
thats been getting to me for two days
at the SGH carpark. can u see two guys sleeping at the back of the lorry?

Rayen & Dallas
their red crocs

having an ice cream.
yummy! haha

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