i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Central -06 April 08-

guess where's this place?

it's the carpark!

then tea joined us and we went outdoors.
you see here xin doing this everytime the wind blows,
cos according to her, she doesnt want a "hole" to appear at her fringe area.
and its kind of a windy day (plus sunny)
this milk tea is actually quite nice.
it's milky~ a tad to sweet for me.
bought at the basement of the mall...

we just sat there and chat and snap pictures...... for quite some time...
oh now clay's thirsty, even tho he doesnt even talk!

xin took these of me.

said she liked the WIND
(yeah right)

tea left for the loo
clay: "please dont bite my ear!!"
clay: "omg! i cant believe im doing this!"
this is my personal fave!!
i liked it so much, i did something to it. haha
xin checking out clay's ass
clay: "oh god help me! tea, where are you when i need you?"
helping her COVER
i said top model-ish
but obviously not.
i liked this too :)

xin exposed

somebody's bored
trying to act like shes falling off
after like about almost 2hrs of sun tanning.
we went to Pizza Al Taglio to grab a bite :)
but at the front it just said "TAGLIO",
it was on the receipt that said "Pizza Al Taglio"

after this my cam batt died, and i couldnt revive it so, last foto of the day...

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