i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

timelapse (TEA alert!)

i really wanna do this one day.
cant wait to get my very own camcorder
and go everywhere with it
hopefully by nxt quarter or mid yr...

last wk i saw Mr. Ily did one. omg. SO NICE!
he did one on the light show at the museum. so cool.
i want one too...

and you have to sit n wait. so i think i TEA will be nice enough to accompany me SIT n WAIT. right TEA?! and XIN!!
if all else fails, any of my friends? haha
but grace would be bored stiff
lotte, would be working, haha
any others would be busy with their stuff to even sit with me and wait.

TEA for your info. this is timelapse.

its ok, there's always the window to look out to.

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