i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

bugis 2march09 鬼娃诞生

met tea first after her driving lesson~~ grab something to eat at this place inside bugis st. (upstairs)
enjoyed my mango pomelo iceblend thingy.
forgot whats the correct name for it. haha
shared a pork cutlet burger and thick toast
and after that went for a walk while we wait for xin to arrive.
had dinner at Fisherios
i love this picture. haha
they were trying to listen what song was playing at a nearby store.
Deluxe Platter

and we had...
SPICY RICE CAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
we bought tea a cap.
tea took this.
and made the aunty....
a little pissed?
flash somemore!

i refuse to put on the cap.
i dont have cap head.

i kinda like this pic. dont know why.

im fell asleep when we went into TCC for desserts...
tea suddenly put the sugarstick holder thingy in front of me and i looked and it
and she snapped.

organice soy pudding
matcha... somehting somehting....
not so yum as we thought it would be...
not enough green tea.
to me.
cos i LURRVVE green tea.
*note to self: time to go try Ochacha at Raffles City.
find anything wrong with this picture?
hint: hair


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