i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

(yesterday)got there (an ulu place, with bangalah that made my mummy worried)
after a THRILL RIDE of 2 hours(almost)
for an early celebration.
(today is her birthday)

兔奶奶 part 2
(part 1 during hweeleng's birthday)
plastic surgery gone wrong

blowing candles.
with help from little Ethan~
he's adorable :)
btw, tea's sis baked her 21st yr birthday cake.
amazing isnt she.
and it tasted sooo good.
(thats her right there)
兔奶奶 part3

the totally NO HELIUM ballon
forced to fly.
grace throwing the ballon up thinking she's not in the shot.
xin very happily enjoying the as-if floating/flying ballon.
so busy with ballons

APRIL 12TH. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where is that?