Stage was hot, girls were not.
The long awaited and incredibly hyped debut stage of 2NE1 commenced on the music program Inkigayo this past weekend. Granted six minutes for their stage, 2NE1 had an impressive intro with the dancing solos and a pre-recorded elevator sequence where they rode the elevator to the actual performance stage. They were very breathy in this performance, but its been reported by fans that SBS had 2NE1 record the performance six times before settling on the last one. The atmosphere of the entire performance felt very amateur, and they could have benefited with some background dancers. Despite the big screen in the back being is a nice touch, the stage looked really empty. And the “Fire” choreography wasn’t enough to light up an entire stage.
Now to talk about the girls.
While Bom and Da-ra showed noticeable signs of exhaustion as their voices were fairly hoarse and their facial expressions weren’t very fresh, CL andMinzy maintained a very high level of energy and swagger throughout the performances. Even in the MV, for someone who has been touted in her pre-debut days as being a bomb dancer as in her appearance alongside Lee Hyoriin “Anystar,” Bom looks extremely awkward and stiff when dancing. Da-ra really doesn’t exude that much personality or presence on stage, and if you have seen any videos of her small singing career in the Philippines, you know she doesn’t have the chops. The pretty faces in 2NE1 seem to be lacking in the extra “umph” department.
CL and Minzy may not be the most attractive looking ones, but what the lack in the face department, they sure make up for it in stage presence. In the live, however, CL has a tendency where she drops her microphone from her mouth before the verse ends and to let the backup track do the work. This can be a good thing because you know clearly which parts she is singing and which parts are from the track, or a bad thing because she doesn’t follow through all the way. However, Minzy really just kills it. Her dancing has by far the most power and her facial expressions, especially in the intro, are penetrating. Being only 15, she shows the most potential in the group.
pea: see i was right about CL & Minji!!!! :D never disappoint me for liking them being their fan~
something from youtube
this 2 are awesome.
the one in all black is CL.
CL raps (before debut, trainee days)
(above article taken from kpop news site.)
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh 2NE1!~
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