i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Friday, January 22, 2010

lazy to post pictures leh~ hahahaa

moved into the new office @ changi biz park.
a rather cool place i must say.

the office is sooo NEW.
imagine the honor of dispensing the very first can of drink from the vending machine?
haha. i can do that.
cos there isnt much people using it.

cos there's a coffee maker in the OH MY FREAKING AWESOME HELL open concept pantry.
in which the coffee is FREE. :)
so awesome. u could have your coffee there every morning.
or any other time.
i've had only ONE so far.
today. :) its good. i like.
it only has one selection on it.
COFFEE. haha good enough.
seeing that it does a really decent cup of KOPI O.
we have 2 vending machine
2 refrigerators
and 2 microwaves
2 wash basins. (LOL)
3 gigantic island (tables)
one of which has 4 holes in it.
and a tap that dispenses HOT & COLD water.
a TAP. not the regular water dispenser thingy.
so... hot waters boiling hot.
cold waters REALLY COLD!
i had a hard time getting warm.
but its fun.
its an.... what do u call it.

cos the lights are on energy saving thingy as well.
its motion censored.
no movement = light shuts

ok i just had to.

hmm what else?
ok i love my chair. lol.
we have LCD tv everywhere. hahaha only news of course.
i know, cos i've tried switching channels. heehee. not that i expect tv shows.
but maybe just mtv? hahahaa

and not forgetting a dose of local news

oh ya~ i love the new vault.
hmm random.

i love the whole place.
i venture around myself when we're there on a sunday
for an...induction.
wow whats that?
well, i dont know at first.
but i found out
its like orientation/intro/first day at a new place talk.
so when we got there, we had about 30mins of ang moh talk.
i believe he's brit?
cos SCB's from UK.
the boss is like... he look like...
a mix of Alec Baldwin & Baz Lurhmann.
Baldwin's features (eyes esp)
Lurhmann's mouth/hair (short)
something like that *imagine*

so yea, the cafeteria has a wall covered with a wallpaper of London's buckingham palace if im not wrong.
moving towards the lift lobby its Middle eastern themed.
they have decors everywhere its amazing. i love.

our level's middle eastern themed as well.
the level above us is African themed
their carpet is orange-y~~
orange= dessert.
its wallpapered with a desert with a person on a camel.
my level is decor-ed with pictures.
like photographs, not paintings.
pictures of people.
very arty farty. i like. (esp close ups)

the toilet feels like a maze.
theres good food around the area. just walk out the building.
cross a road. and you get food.
not far. :)
there's a bar there too. hahahaha. *thumbs up*

sorry i just went from toilet to food up there. :/

oh ya! my level's carpet isnt orange.
near the pantry theres a wall covered in BAMBOO wallpaper.
i like that.....~~

but oooo one thing,
they gotta fix the floor boards. haha.
it cricks cracks whenever someone walks.
regardless of how lightly u try to walk.

and omg this guy is always thumping on it. and worst he likes to run. so imagine.....

hmm what else....
cant think of anymore now.
will have more when the pictures are up.
maybe tml.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friend and I were recently talking about how modern society has evolved to become so integrated with technology. Reading this post makes me think back to that discussion we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as memory becomes less expensive, the possibility of transferring our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could experience in my lifetime.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://will-the-r4-r4i-work.wetpaint.com/]R4i SDHC[/url] DS Fling)