i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Friday, March 4, 2011


caught the Adjustment Bureau last night.
matt damon & EMILY BLUNT!
*i kinda like her bag here.

im glad to see Emily sort of in the lead in this movie. cos she always gets supporting roles.

and i would hope to see her in another dance movie if there is one. i mean, a movie with a dance scene.
its the most beautiful thing when she dances in them movie, like OMG, she. can. ballet.

she ballet-ed the sh*t out of the routine. i loved it alot. ALOT.

another cheesy/corny but sweet scene was towards the end, where they both ran and ended up at a "dead" end. with the adjusters all surrounding them, they've got nowhere to go.

emily's character, Elise, said: "I love you"
and they both kissed like there's no tomorrow.
the camera revolves around them and after one round as their lips parted,
they looked around, the adjusters were gone.
and one of them suddenly appears and tells them that their fate/life/whatever was being REWRITTEN.

and the movie ended with them walking down the street in slow-mo.

hope i didnt spoil it for those who have not watched it and intended to go watch. i didnt tell it as it is anyway.
these two makes the phrase "no pain no gain" seems too easy.
it makes you believe in fate.
and chance.

they might seemed like the same but they're different.
if you're willing to wait, the thing/one will come to you.

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