i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Moon-watching cum moon-bathing 01:53am - 02:05am 01june07

i've been tossing and turning for the pass 2hrs+ before i shot the moon. the moonlight caught my attention. so i decided to get up, since i cant sleep, during the 2hrs+ of tossing and turning i've been asking myself, have i turned f-ing nocturnal?!
i cant get a nice shot as it was a little too... literally over the top. well, over MY top. i cant capture the moon together with the buildings. its way too high. (i wished it moved)

after that i went to (try to) sleep. and slept at around 03:30am i guessed. and woke up at 05:00am... awhile later, for sch.

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