i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Order of The Phoenix -13july07-

went to "meet" Dumbledor's Army... it was magical. fantastic... :) but the ending was not quite an ending tho. feels weird. this film was pretty grown up compared to the last 4... but for the first time... Hermione (Emma Watson) didnt spoke much, to my surprise really. but all of her scenes were great... alot of talking in this one, about he-who-must-not-be-named, the dark lord, (Lord Voldermort) and of cos he didnt die, if he did, the Harry Potter trilogy would end here. he was probably the one who started it, he tries to kill Harry but didnt succeed, but continues to try... year after year... lol... thats why we love it. and continue to wait for the film yr after yr....
the theatre really lives up to its name, stadium like hall.... GV MAX is my fave theatre. altho the other theatres in GV vivo is also superb, tho i've been to GV vivo's theatre twice. but GV MAX really makes you go "DAMN!" haha

in this hall, being 7th row from the screen isnt that bad, cos its so damn huge!
but i would love to get the center seats nxt time round. with better luck. becos Harry Potter was such a big deal, ticks were sold out fast. and i got the 7th row from the screen, on the right...

love it!

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