i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Singapore Zoological Gardens -25july07-

on the way to the Zoo... :)

haha. this was posed for...

this is fake. (of course!!)

i really dont know what this is...

can you spot a Leopard?


Meerkats. they're so cute!!!


Polar Bear - Inuka. first and only polar bear to be born in the tropics

Reindeers. without their antlers. they're still young, so they dont have antlers yet. the elder one kept running and i could not get a pic of it. :(

Kangaroos. at the Australian Outback area...

signs at the Zoo. cute huh!


Zebras. busy eating... none of them turned to face us...


certain spieces of Pig.

does the one in front looked like it's dead? but dont worry, its not. its just sleeping...

White Tigers

having a swim...

Asian Elephants. after the show.


Tortoise. they dont move. at all.

its a statue...

a small tortoise was kept away from the rest...


ALL of them were swimming. none of them were in their air-con area. maybe because of the hot weather....

when pengy swim, they look like ducks in some way....

Goats. at the Children's World area...

the baby goats kept bleating. they were cute...

if you'd watched "Lion King" you know this monkey... ok, it kept moving, so i cant get a still shot.

if you dont get whats this, you should really get your IQ checked.

ZEBRA CROSSING. literally. :)

look at my shoe!! lace! they glow!!

and so do i... haha :D

here are some videos that i made of the animals... have fun!

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