i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Elynn's (early) birthday chalet -26sept07-

greys: to swim or not to swim

whats that? serenity


the food. not very nice. lol... i meant the taste!
do you see the similarity?

seperated at birth. haha
i love this!! :)
the cake.

a game of UNO

chamaine's self-portrait
hey, i just realise, the card im holding is the same color as the doll.
another one of charmiane's self-portrait
cutie... i love!!
time for pressie unwrapping...
from me and greys.
elynn carefully opening the gift without tearing the wrapper.
still unwrapping...
very carefully...
and she exclaimed with joy when she saw the mickey in there.
"oh my god!!" she said.
first picture taken with mickey
and many more to follow... :)

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