i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Issy @ the park

here we are!
getting her bag off her.

love the color of the sky

she looks so cute with the shades on.
(psst! its her mum's shades)

"Issy Was Here"


watering the sand.
trying to get issy in the picture together with the words on the sand
getting water

rushing back...
she couldnt walk steadily, so the water didnt really stayed in the watering can, by the time she reached her play area, she had to go back to the water to get more.
she's like, "what?! where did the water go?"
-- "i wanna hold your hand"--

back with more water...
ohhh... steep...
--"i wanna hold your hand"--
now for a stupid game, Spot the Difference.
actually thats not the point that i shot this
we're leaving the beach for the playground.

while waiting to get cleaned up...
this so looks like a tabloid shot
"papparazzi, kill them..."
"stop getting in my face..."
sporting those cute baby havaianas...
but her feet is growing
a dead bee/ hornet / bug-like thingy

on the swing

another baby on the swing, beside Issy

looking at the other baby.

hanging on to dear life. haha
she really holds on!

she must be thinking, "why cant i slide?"

an alternative...
off to lunch
getting her bag
like a sudden lost girl

"stop snapping will you?"

trying to walk on the tiny step...
off we go....
baby bites to keep her still...
whats that face for... haha

baby havaianas in the sun

@ w/s foodcourt
"stop it will you?"

thats what she said.

Issy looking at other people.
Issy's shot

i got attacked!
Issy, i think you forgot to focus.
Issy's self-portrait.

she was running all over the place, so her mummy get her to stand and face the wall. haha so cute.
after that we parted. :)
here are the videos taken on the day
1. on the swing
2. exhausted in the car, on the way to lunch

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