i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Xin's Birthday -17 Nov 07-

met xin after my lesson at the PAP, we had lunch then went to Toys r Us for a walk...

they hung Doras like as if in a slaughter house.

a failed escalator shot by xin. haha

xin and a cookie monster
xin insisted
many faces of xin

by her

after this i went home...
and we met later,
with lotte and yan at around 9plus almost 10pm
so u see the mall is empty...
but i forgot kinda excited cos the christmas decors are up!! :)

lotte being lotte.
another one that i loved, after that ikea one.
fake thinking
after that we went to McD's for a bite. and lotte got her snaps.

after that we went to lotte's block's void deck
and i asked xin to opened up the pressie i gave her.

i injured my fingers while opening the bottle without a bottle opener.
the blood came flying out. i stopped and lotte do the job.

check out that grin. :)

talking on the phone. another one of our friend (guy) called to wish her "happy birthday".
past midnight. haha. she was kinda pissed. lol...
last group shot before me and xin leave.
credits to lotte's friend. :)

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