i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"The Golden Compass" & Sushi Tei ~ VivoCity -14 Dec 07-

long queue. and so afraid to get front row seats.
but we got 3rd row from the screen. sigh. but better than first.
after the movie

having fun with my holy pooh

just like M&Ms

look, the sky is smiling.
the tree look soo much better at night.

can you see my cousin...?
after that, to Sushi Tei for dinner.
45min++ queue. worth it.

like olden times... :)
a must-order! Salmon skin. it's good!
the noodle is SO springy~ like toi~~~~
and when you put the scallop into your mouth, its like you wanna scrEAM!!

HuiMing, it's good. omg...

when you told me i had to try it, i knew i had to, from the way to describe it. (but this dinner was not planned, everywhere was full so we decided to Q for sushi tei)

and BOY! it was good!

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