i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

wet day -05 Dec 07-

in the morning at the bustop
after school went to meet xin and tea at AMK hub, wanna get stuff frm tea. she bought us something. then, me and xin bus-ed to white sands as there's a Pasar Malam there, we went there to fill our tummies...
look how tired xin is...(the moment she got onto the bus)

ever noticed this?
its on the back of the double decker's seat.
(i think only new buses have it, the ones with the orange poles)
its from Germany!
and its like a huge company that make seats all around Europe.
AH! and "The Invasion" dvd is about to be released.
i saw this from afar, and i thought its out, so i went inside to check but there isnt any, so i think they wanna attract people's attention first.
like ME!

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