i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

what's for dinner

in my world PEAs is KING
thats why the corn are minority...
Balsamic Chilli Flakes Cajun Pasta with Sausage and Peas.

duration: less than an hour.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

watching Rachael Ray the otherday

i love her. she's fantastic. so fun to be in her kitchen!!!

so cool la~

bought this Audio Technica Headphone.
for xin...
tea and i shared...
i realised that me and tea wearing the same slippers for the day.
i didnt know she had that, she do know i had it.
we always meet in town so i always wore shoes. we decided to go wireless in the east that day. but the wasnt working for us that day.
shots of clay by tea.

frm her phone

xin kept asking me if i was kidding her. i had a hard time telling her it's real. we're giving it to her. at first when she saw she thought i bought it for myself (how i wish) then she say test already tell me if it's good. then i said, ya you bring home and help me test. and she was like, "huh? really?"

me: yes really.

xin: huh?!

me: keep properly, it's yours. bring home and test and tell me if its good.

(btw it's good, i've tested it. hee. )

xin: er.... huh?! 真的假的?

me: 真的!收好啊。

xin: 真的假的?

me: 真的!

the above took about 5-6 mins. repeating and repeating....and repeat.... like radio spoilt.

and i was laughing so hard i was tearing. cos looking at her face, her "this-could-not-be-happening- face" and she started laughing cos she didnt know what to do...

she kept asking why.... cos her birthday is not until another 2 months or so... while tearing too~

xin. REAL. enjoy.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Salsa Pasta 24 Sept 08

note: salsa sauce, 2 days after expiry date. still good. who says you cant eat expired stuff?
i'll drink milk a day expired. only if they still taste as good as normal. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

the other day...

picture this...

brother walking to the bathroom (going to shower) from our room...
ME walk even faster to beat him to the TOILET. from the living room...
(my apologies, bathroom. toilet. same thing.)

-stop right at the door of bathroom-

bro: ehhhh!!!!!! what you doing?! i want to bathe!  (yes he is always THAT agitated)

me: wait let me go first. urgent. ok.

bro: huh? what you want to...

me: i wanna pee... 

bro: but i want to baaaaathe!!

me: peeing is faster than showering! *legs cross* (uber urgent)

bro: okokok....

(me step inside toilet)

bro: eh eh eh.... no no.... girl pee very long. come out i bath first.

me: what?! im not asking you to pee FOR me, just let me pee and you can bathe. look! you're wasting time!

bro: *excitedly* ok i count to 5 you must come out!!

(rushed in and did my thing)
(with him counting 1-5 outside)
came out...

me: see very fast.

bro: ya la ya la!!!

me: *sigh* (thinking) is it so difficult just to pee? and do we really pee very long?

NO! at least i dont.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mid-Autumn Fest @ playground

we gave Yvette a surprise at white sands.
it's a BE-EARLY one.

modern riding without hood.
we're so surprised when she came down with
her basket filled with food and a bottle of water. HAHA
i love my friends
whatever is down there, i have no COMMENTS.

they're were having so much fun. that fun.....
some are cencored... haha.
you should see the vids we made. LOL


she kept asking, 有没有很青春?
before this she say, "拍惠婷.."
but when the camera is in front of her she posed.

after this my camera was DEAD!

ironically. look at what her hand signal is...(gun)