i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

so cool la~

bought this Audio Technica Headphone.
for xin...
tea and i shared...
i realised that me and tea wearing the same slippers for the day.
i didnt know she had that, she do know i had it.
we always meet in town so i always wore shoes. we decided to go wireless in the east that day. but the wasnt working for us that day.
shots of clay by tea.

frm her phone

xin kept asking me if i was kidding her. i had a hard time telling her it's real. we're giving it to her. at first when she saw she thought i bought it for myself (how i wish) then she say test already tell me if it's good. then i said, ya you bring home and help me test. and she was like, "huh? really?"

me: yes really.

xin: huh?!

me: keep properly, it's yours. bring home and test and tell me if its good.

(btw it's good, i've tested it. hee. )

xin: er.... huh?! 真的假的?

me: 真的!收好啊。

xin: 真的假的?

me: 真的!

the above took about 5-6 mins. repeating and repeating....and repeat.... like radio spoilt.

and i was laughing so hard i was tearing. cos looking at her face, her "this-could-not-be-happening- face" and she started laughing cos she didnt know what to do...

she kept asking why.... cos her birthday is not until another 2 months or so... while tearing too~

xin. REAL. enjoy.

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