i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

fooling around millenia tower area and suntec city at night

people letting fishes bite them
after dinner sat at Cedele to network a little.
we're about to go home. then we became crazy.
let me just say something, these two are very good at climbing.
i dont even know where to start.
they have to guide me as though they're camp instructors.
they said my pose is too UNadvanturous
check out the master.

my nxt ry.
this was... i dont even know what to say.
xin feet was kicking my ass. i was falling off that little thing im sitting on.

imagine the space have to give a space for me to sit and for her to stand and not fall.
i was so afraid she was gonna fall. its quite high.
at the same time im afraid im gonna fall...
getting down was a chore too.
laughing our ass off.
nobody was there at that time.
so late....
so the scene is like 3 people climbing and posing on a odd shape sculpture shouting (abit), laughing (alot)
this is where you press "Flush"

another set of craziness began.

posing like the posters

there were people walking by so i couldnt get my face right... lol
it ended up like this, cos xin was taking too long.
i kept asking her to be quick.

i only liked this part. haha
her self portrait
tea guiding me...
why is xin's hands always so shaky...?

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