i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

wedding dinner @ pioneer spring @ Safra Telok Blangah ( did i even spell it right?)

i hate weddings where i dont know anyone.
then i saw the pool.
this is the BEST looking Safra i've ever been into.
was more interested in the pool then greeting people i dont know,
and that we're suddenly related.

people walking in...

sat down.
first time at a wedding, that i see braised peanuts on the table
instaead of the usual salted ones.

started with a slide show of the bride&groom's bridal photos.
it's fun to see how wedding photos have evolved....

yea. thats about the most interesting thing about the wedding.
they're my cousins.
i just found out ON THE DAY ITSELF.
and alot more.
i dont know them.
this is the first time.
and daddy said, " look there!"
me, "where?"
daddy, "there! that 3 girls with very long hair."
(i looked)
daddy : they're your cousins!
me: .............. (sips drink)
there happens to be ALOT more of "my cousins" there.
this mediacorp guy.
i dont know his name. but he's an actor @ mediacorp.
we dont see him all the time.
he's like a part time actor.
he's the cameraman for the day.
my other cousin..... which i didnt know until like last yr.

the dress looks kinda messy.
people Q-ing to go out.
video clips below.
1. march in 1
2 & 3 Solemnization
4. first dish (i swear, i thought a ninja was gonna fly out)
5. march in 2
6 & 7. YumSeng-ing
8. my cousin. my brother said she look like Pan LingLing. what do you think?
9. MEDIACORP GUY (dont know his name)
10. MEDIACORP OLD LADY (dont know her name)

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