hot like peas in a pod; this pod is a vid/ foto blog, enjoy the fotos and other trash. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. je veux apprendre à parler français.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
location scouting for FYP.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
memories~~ i used to loved them during pri sch.
I Should Have Never Let You Go
These Days
Tiffani Wood
Sophie Monk
Belinda Chapple
Sally Polihronas
Katie Underwood
* i still remember seeing Sophie Monk in Australia, Brisban, Gold Coast's Movie World about a yr or two before they debut.
it was during a parade. she was portraying Marilyn Monroe. :)
a longer version of "Baby Wonder Girls"
and i just realised that Wonder Baby, Kim YeEun, is one of them.
she's the one with the headband. OMG!
Women in cat fight aboard bus (OMG!)

A cat fight between two women on board bus 88 was captured on video and sent to STOMP on Nov 23.
One woman in a micro-mini skirt was filmed shoving, clawing and pulling the hair of another middle-aged woman in black while shouting at her angrily in Chinese "How dare you say I look like a prostitute".
Subsequently, the other commuters in the bus were roused by the commotion and attempted to stop the fight. Even the bus driver had to intercede, stopping the bus and telling the women to stop fighting.
STOMPer PataponHWZ, who witnessed the violent incident, recounts:
"Today at around 9am , I was on bus 88 going to Pasir Ris, when two middle-aged woman started to quarrel and have a catfight."
Apparently the lady in white was called a 'xiang ji' (prostitute) by the other woman, and that triggered off a quarrel and a scuffle."I think that Singaporeans should be more tolerant and should also keep certain comments to themselves.
If everyone makes such insensitive remarks, the world would be in unrest."
VIDEO LINK -> this was emailed to me by my friend...
Monday, November 24, 2008
first there was 1. now there are 5!!
ok so this time these few sang. so adorable. lookout for the rap. haha.
but the single Wonder Baby could dance better!!
they're all so cute!!!!
i cant help but to post Baby YeEun again.
this time with subtitles.
clementi shoot
saw this. nearly ripped the page off.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
day out with Grace :) physically fit~

we laughed for quite sometime after that i kept thinking about what she said and imagining the scenario... what the heck if somehting like this were to happen.
i make no sense, i know.
today's theme song:
i like to move it move it
i like to move it move it
i like to move it move it
you like to MOVE IT!
physically fit, physically fit
physically physically physically fit~~
Friday, November 21, 2008
what im listening to...
i love it, tho it just keeps repeatin' itself.
wait, dont all songs?
Ne-Yo - Closer
on telly.... Cashmere Mafia
but i think it got cancelled in the US.
so i think we'll only get season 1?
oh man~ we're ever so backward in shows.
whenever they start a new season we're still in the previous season....
Thursday, November 20, 2008
ORIGINAL - Wonder Girls - Nobody
So Hot (Wonder Girls) Parody by Kim Shin Young
ORIGINAL - Wonder Girls - So Hot
**NOGARI is a type of FISH
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Chooky Dancers from Arnhem Island islanders
Chooky Dancers 'Zorba the Greek' at the Art Gallery of NSW
Chooky Dancers 'Usher' at the Art Gallery of NSW
THEY DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH. as heard from first clip.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Videos taken during Korean Pop Night
Chae Yeon - Two Of Us
Chae Yeon - My Love [remix]
Jewelry - (Baby) One More Time
2PM - 10/10
Wonder Girls - Nobody
Wonder Girls - Tell Me
captured with nad's camera.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
15nov08 fun from PM to AM - Part i - Town
went shopping for her stuff...
and sat down in a very quiet kopitiam
to write OUR share in the card.
she did something... and said, "see! money face."
then i said, "ya, he really money face~"
grace, "huh! really ah?!"
pea: "ya what~ see~ his face is on EVERY note."
grace: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" *look around to see if anyones watching*
which she would call
ah chick.