i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

halloween/ pills/ brownie~

actually we prefer P2 cards.
but the tapes kinda useful as backup.
this is what i would say "BLOODY HELL"
spelling error somemore.
"are you SCARE?"
LHH's smurf feet.
you get what i mean when i say PIGEON HOUSE
i see feathers around the stupid SMART class.
yes, its SO CALLED the smart classroom.
im sick.
but these are not from the doctors.
hello my friend. its been a long time huh.
6yrs plus.
i dont intend to use you any time...
please dont let me see you again.
you're out here cos i think i need your help.
but i'll try to prevent that.
baking a brownie for Xin.
a banana brownie~~
hershey chocolate sauce.

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