i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

15nov08 fun from PM to AM - Part ii - PR


on the way back

meet up with leng... haha
AUDREY with her gold watch!

actually wanted to have coffee and cakes at coffee bean.
but we kinda overspent for the day.
changed venue, went to a coffee shop instead.
actually same thing. haha. it has coffee in it.
trying to console ourselves... LOL!
much cheaper of course.
another Ad....
and another...
after we walked back to DTE to use the toilet.
and took more photos there.
look where leng's hand is going. haha

they sang: "i want nobody nobody......
.... but you!"

un-natural rockers
xin's dancing...
sway here~~
and there~~
xin dancing again~~
the ever camera ready Ms Audrey.
and another one~~
it's like a million $ deal.
she just keep doing it.
dancing again~~
xin said: "我来挤一下乳沟。。。“
Pea: "HUH? HAHAHAHAHA *fainted*

whatever they are trying to potray here.
after this i said, can u guys please stop doing embarressing poses....
a series of group fotos
starting to get funny
4 Xpressions.

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