i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Monday, January 12, 2009

just.... something.

watching campus superstar...
a guy named Adrian just sang.
he's chinese but kinda tanned so he looked like malay.
but i heard he's indonesian. so... 
i quite like his voice and another guy who really is malay.

and i think this season's campus superstar is better than the previous.
esp the girls. oh my, they came with VOICES this season. im impressed.
hahaha to name one, Ai Jia, so cute la. hahaha. only 14. very spunky and all.
 i have a very strong feeling that after this end she start to act.
there's another girl, with a voice made for rock. i was like wow when i heard her during the first ep of CSS.

alright, anyways.
thats not my main point.

or is it relief?
but she's not a teacher.
someone from the industry.
came to
take over?

ok nvm. 

she's scary.
looks fierce.
but at the same time 

she takes things very seriously.
tho i just 跟她接處 only less than half hr...

oh how do i survive the nxt few...

just watched HP mini 1000 (notebook) advert.
always wowed by it. 
by the ad. not the lappy. haha

oh and i think CSS contestant Rachel's mother just made a fool outta herself on national telly.

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