i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Monday, January 5, 2009

today during lunch (extended) heehee...

*photos deleted as requested*

went to look for tea during lunch.... at the same time help her get some food.
today she like very hyper.
normally when she wear jeans (which is very seldom) i would wanna snap a picture of her wearing JEANS, she would runaway, say no blah blah blah.
but today she even ASK for a photo. hahaha :)
when we're taking this photos inside still quite afew customers~~ hahahaa
somemore the first thing i notice when i walked in was, her kinokuniya-like, apron-like top. haha.
and finally, after so long, i saw how the BOSS of THE BOX look like. haha
next target, THE LADY BOSS. hohoho.

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