i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Monday, November 22, 2010


 i have not watched "redbelt". needs more time searching. got "Predators". watched it on saturday. very cool lack of CGI adventure. i like. and there's Adrien Brody. the Predators were just ok. they weren't THAT scary.
 look. the only girl in the "team", in the jungle, wields a sniper. f-ing cool or what?!
 Alice Braga (as i've said before, pronounced: A-lee-cee) she's Brazilian.
 she's like a mini Selma Hayek. agree?

 this sniper looks like a video camera. the "viewfinder" = scope. "buttons" = controls. haha
recognize him? the guy from "that 70s' show"

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