i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Friday, November 19, 2010

solo dios sabe


"solo dios sabe"

yesterday. it meant: "Only God Knows"

loveliest sad movie i've seen in a long time.
starring Alice Braga.

it was in 3 languages i believe. so it was confusing, even tho i dont even know what they were talking the whole time. i watched it with subtitles. foreign subtitles. haha. but. they spoke beautifully.

it also stars Diego Luna (from Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights)
heres a little review that i read somewhere and fits how i felt about it.

The film takes you across 3 countries, U.S., Mexico and Brazil. It is about fate and destiny and finding your identity. A young Brazillian girl does just that when she meets a Mexican wandering, lonely journalist outside a Tijuana night club.as the story unfolds one begins to see how fate has indeed brought them together. The movie is sensual, as the beautiful Alice Braga is captivating and real.The beginning of the film is carefree and free-spirited as the leading lady is and yet towards the end it begins to evolve into something deeper and complex. As an added plus, the movie has some great music.For those who like their music like I do you will really enjoy this. If you have never heard of them, trust me it was chosen very well for this film and I know you will like it.

i want to watch this movie next.

1 comment:

Tijuana Tina said...

Sounds like it was a good film. Thanks for the recommendation. I never would have thought of having the setting near a Tijuana night club but it seems to really suit the plot line.