i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Genting Highlands -10june07-

departed Saturday night 11:48pm...

passed the 1st toll booth at 01:07am, Sunday, 10june07.
-on the highway of darkness-

passed the second toll booth

finally there's street lights
and not even 30 secs of brightness, we returned to darkness

ah~ more light! but of course, that didnt last either...


barely 30secs later


we're travelling at 120km/h :) wee~


back to darkness, but i can see a huge land of something along the way, like palm trees, but shorter. later to realise that they are pineapple plants.




lightning!! seems like its gonna rain. we just went to 140km/h for awhile, double wee~~
the lightning is huge! spectacular! :)

second pitstop. stop/pee/eat

back in the car and "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer is playing. haha cool.
"Stayin Alive" is playin now! so groovy~ makes me think of "Idol Gives Back"
-still in darkness-
ah~ light... and dark again. lightning still on after soooo long. no rain though. now "Lady Marmalade" is playing...
arrived in Malacca (still dark tho)
light~ and enjoying the spectacular "light" show outside and... darkness again. i swear each light sections lasted less than 30secs.
we got a flat tyre, now san-jiu is changing it. its flate due to high speed and bumpy road (damn these m'sian road) i came outta the car to take a breather, very cool air, and light show still on.
pretty quick, we were back on the road again.
stopped... at the next petrol station... funny, there's a "Shalala Coffee", we didnt go to grab a bite, but just to pump up the ride.
the lighting still going on~ thats so.....long....
most road are lit now... at this point of time.
3rd toll booth...
JUST PASSED A CEMMETRY!! eerie, i know... but WICKED! :)
i just saw KLCC aka The Petronas Twin Tower aka the tallest building in the world, from a distant.
another petrol station, this time with McDonalds, but we didnt grab anything, it has a drive-thru! :) we just pumped up the ride...
and we're on our way again~
on the slop, on the way up~
4th toll booth...
back to darkness, this time DARKER!
i just realised that there's no more lightning. :\
WE HAVE ARRIVED AT GENTING HIGHLANDS after an excruxiating long car ride...
settled down for breakfast...
we had Tim Sum... :)

a random taken by daddy...

Dallas is happy to be there! haha

taken by daddy - Dallas & Rayen, after tim sum-ing.

its nice to see half the building disappear into the clouds isn't it? :)

a huge moth on the glass...

the Outdoor Theme Park

the colorful First World Hotel.

we walked into the Indoor Theme Park and this is what i saw... cute huh! huge dougnuts!!

and this...

wow~ a big slice of watermelon~ haha

the Carousel aka the Merry-Go-Round relive your childhood! but i didnt take it. :)

as it was pretty early, there wasn't much peeps.

the "Eiffle Tower" in Genting. they kinda cant decide if they want it to be in Paris or Genting.

Dallas wanted to ride on the thing that goes around the "Eiffle Tower". :)

daddy looks stranded in Pari... er i mean Genting. lol...

this wasnt fast at all. in fact it was really.....slow.

hee hee, i thought we were in Venice for awhile. yea, AS IF!

honestly, those "people" rowing the boat looks kinda creepy. did i told you that they were fake?!

this ride here, is WAY slower than the caterpillar one that was above. seriously, if i were up on one of those, i think i'd get out and walk myself to the end.

ok, although its not real, at least they made it look REEL. thats good enough! lol at the "lover's bridge".
Dallas, Rayen & their mummy were on the Ferris Wheel.

Liberty going wild. haha
look at him, so happy taking the ride. apparently the ride is called "Ride around Paris", i was like, yea, right.

and mummy posed for her pic taken.

(below) Rayen & Dallas on the Carousel

i had quite a time with these signs, cos they were blinking...

the "Haunted Advantures" is a ride. who dares?

i guess this is the closest i go to Lady Liberty for now isn't it?

the face kinda creepy~! yikes!

hey... look what i've found. heehee. its actually "Padini & Co." lol... pea pea pea pea pea~~

can u see Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas dress as a pirate? ( in the middle!) cute huh! i was afraid the stallholder wouldnt like it so i took this pic from afar.
a random by me, i kinda like this. :)

sat down for a cuppa, at "Coffee Bean", i had a Berry'd Treasure and a piece of Almond cookie. *slurp* ;)

Berry'd Treasure and Almond cookie

my shoes... :) u know, bored... :)

and i guess this is also the closest i can get to the Acadamy aka Oscar isn't it? sigh...

Maria Sharapova~

Superman? why "G"? is it instead of wearing "S" (for small) he's wearing "G" for giant?
oh! wait a minute! dont tell me, "G" for Genting?!! gotta be kidding me, thats a lame one! :S
up in the heavens~ haha. can u see the cable cars? can u imagine what a ride would it be, riding thru the clouds! :)
when i got there, i was like, "is this it?" "have we reached heaven?" haha
all thanks to us walking the wrong way, or else we couldnt have the chance to capture such nice shots of the scenery.

it was an amazing sight! to see cable cars suddenly appear thru the fog... haha

another moth, this time on the road. it seemed to have frozen...

up in the hills, there's actually people living there! i wonder if they're like hill billies or something... and how the hell they get down? bungee? parachute? slide? what?!

just looking at the fog/mist takes my breath away~

we've been walking uphill for some time now... since the first outdoor pic. *phew*

still quite a distant to go.

the beautiful view of the mountains~ :)
after that we reach the car park and getting ready to go downhill...
after a nice scenic "hike", on the mountains we head downhill... beautiful scenery all the way down. and i got it all down in cids and pics.
i just had a mind blowing experiance, literally! going downhill was so windy.
just now at the indoor theme park didnt get to play anything or ride anything actually but after Dallas's mom is done with her rides she peels (opps!) out the wrist tag and gave it to me! so of course, all i wanted the entire day was to ride the "Euro-express" again and i got to ride it 3 times with Rayen! :)
and i did something crazy. i video-ed my "journey" on the "Euro-express" hahaha and i love it!

on the way down...

we're experiencing difficulties with the car again. and its the tyre again! yes, the one that went flat and was replaced. and THE HORROR! apparently it wasn't screwed on tight enough! we heard sounds that we shouldnt be hearing from a car so we pulled over (like duh!) and they got it fixed in like 5 mins plus.

con't downhill-ing & "mind-blowing"...
Daryll actually wanted to changed seats with me but i refused, too good a chance to let go of. so im still in the window seat. (proud of it)
the scenery is incredible! amazing! air is fresh, cool, SO UP THERE! wee~
when i get my driver's liscence one day and get a car, i'll sure drive up there again!
it's been 24hrs plus since i last slept, but i aint sleeping! i refuse to! i wanna see the scenery!
imagine if we were to actually make our way down on foot! wow! the amount of land we'll cover and the scenery we experience!! WHOA!!

1st toll booth (going back) and it started raining...
2nd toll booth now raining on the highway~
stop at petrol station for a pump
on the road again
3rd toll booth. funny how going back seems to be more booths and kinda closer to each other...
the rain had stopped.
and started again (rain)
4th toll booth

we stopped here to grab a bite... yes, its that "Shalala Coffee" place that we passed by earlier...

i had a "Roti Jala". why is it called "Roti Jala" when in school we had it and its called "Roti Kerai"? but anyways, it was way better than the one in school! hahaha :) that yellow thingy was so thick! yum! im still whacking my lips as i think about it.

after pee and food, we are back on the road again.

it rained... they got out to grab more bites... and pump up the car more. i stayed in. why they could get so many bites and not get enough?

what if we were moving in the wrong direction? (i thought)
malaysia have huge pineapple field!
getting kinda foggy~ and cold too~ (thats why i was wondering if we're moving in the wrong direciton)
ok we're on the right track, i just saw "Johor Bahru - 83km" sigh... haha
stop to rest/pee/pump....
and i saw a group of bikers...

back on the road, highway of darkness
54km to Singapura <- the sign said so. m'sians...
tonight there's more cars on the road. brighter~
maybe cos its still early. yesterday/just now was like wee hours~... :)
40km to Singapura
5th toll booth (back home)
6th toll booth
11km to Tuas Singapore
7km to Singapura
stop at petrol station for pumping again :) they went to grab another bite! while i stayed in the car...
back on the road. 7th toll booth
Singapore Customs
outta the customs :) on the way back home~
reached home about 22:00pm+ bathed and 23:00pm watch top model. :)
it was a fun-filled trip.


Anonymous said...

you must be bored until you did record the timing. sad that i thought you would captured some lightning haha

xiaoteabag `o7

Phyllis Ilys Millis Pea said...

lol... lightning cant be captured, dont you know light is so damn fast? let alone video-ing it, i tried once and its like the screen just kept blinking but no image of lightning... haha, but i would try again next time.