i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Daddy's Birthday -3Nov08-

Tuna, Salmon, Swordfish and Yellowfin sashimi

sorry to put a shoe in the middle of food.
just to say, "i wore my red hot converse" haha
sounds kinda
jap + malay...
ok nvm.

this has a very floral taste to it.
daddy using the chopstick as stylus.
he said, "lazy to take out..."
a cake from Chocz.
with "shredded" pieces of music scores stuck to it.
somebody play this...

this is a weird picture.

would really wanna hear how this piece sound like.

chocolate banana.
fyi, the external part of the cake is smuddered with dark choclate
with chocolate shavings and pieces of white chocolate music scores.

1 comment:

TJL said...

yoyo. pic 10 from the top of this post. didnt you want someone to play it for you?? its inverted lah!! XDD how to play??!?! lol. O.o