i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

An irresponsible thing to do. But to end misery.

Thats the reason why some people choose to die.
Dying is scary but in order to not suffer, some people are willing to do it.

Committing suicide is considered an offence. Killing yourself for nothing. Its in the sense that you are murdering yourself. Murder is a crime.

Yes after you die you my not have to worry about anything, you are dead how do you know how you will feel.

But people you left behind will suffer.
The lost of a friend or a loved one.
The grieve is forever. One person's end of suffering is the start of suffering for many.

Death doesnt slove all problems.
Life is godsent. Show your appreciation by cherishing it.
Even when when your own little world seems to be crashing down on you, hang in there, you'll see light at the end of the tunnel. Corny, i know. Everyones tunnel has a different length. All you have to do is keep walking, keep fighting, keep digging, or whatever that you need to do. You'll get to the end. And out there, is the end of darkness, suffering and result of your hardwork and perseverance.

Why such moody entry?

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