i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

strawberry baybeats

had a sudden craving for strawberry milk. so msged daddy to get a bottle before he come home from work.
strawberry milk-ed :)

Baybeats is here again.
i haven actually been to one despite hearing alot about it.

i really want to see what they have at the flea market there. and (tees)it starts from 10$.
thinking of getting a tee, since its cheap and only available during baybeats, should be cool. and also other stuffs.
its from 28 - 30 August (Fri – Sun). still thinking who i can ask to go with.

LOL! its a music event but i only think about the merchandise.
okok, if im there, then at the same time ok.

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