i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

what the freaking hell.
there's no OKTO in my room telly.
for once when i wanna try watch an anime.
as introduced by tea.
it's called, "Inuyasha".
did i even spell that correctly?
tea kept asking/intro-ing me to animes
because i think i always attend cosplay event
and NOT know anything there but
ONE PIECE! :D ( i regretted not buying the straw hat!!)
it's been about three years. haha...
i enjoy snapping at cosplay events.
and just being there.
people ask me, what this, whats that.
i said.
"I dont know!!" haha
i dont know anything.

so... now. watching CH 8...
dont know the title. have to wait til commercial over. hahaha
u know normally they'll show the title when they get back from a break.

there's Leon Lai (he's like missing now isnt he)
but hey. doesnt look like him now.
im hopeless with some of these things.
people i dont know.
in funny no link movies.

oh wait!
theres one i know.
Jacky Cheung.

commercial over. i missed the title.
oh well.
go check teletext or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aiyo..Like that gao dao i very bad like that.
But i think next week also have. This time not 30minute anime is a movie anime. On moving anime will hardly have the scenes that you don't like.. Oke.. you decide.

Ya i am the TEA.

I know what you are watching!! I think is Yao Shao Cheng Shi i guess. haha. Seen this movie upteen times but didn't expect that they are showing at this timing..and never expected Dou will see this.haha.