i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

the birth of Ah Pen

my good girl. haha
she bought a new skirt. and was kinda long. in her opinion.
then when i said how short you want? *pulls skirt up gently*
xin : "way~! WHAT YOU DOING?!"
haha, she said very long and yet afraid that i pull it up abit.
introducing Ah Pen.
a penguin from the zoological gardens.
bought by tea.
a gift to me.
the name: when tea pulled ah pen outta the bag, xin was like, "ay, ah pen!"
then from then on he was ah pen.

off for a swim

2 grey-ish friends.
have to find some grey for xin too. haha

imagine u r like the size of clay. then you're sitting beside a tub of yogurt that huge!
we keep trying our luck on getting the "Good Shit" badge. :)

Frolick News.

opposite Millenia Tower.
enjoyed our yogurt there.

its windy there.
i like.
saw some emo guy sitting there on his own in a square beside us. haha.
he seemed blue.
he posture tells me so.
listening to music and unwrapping xin's dvd...

tea helped reserve.
thus the name on the cover. haha

it's a Jolin concert dvd.
this was forfeit for missing the ballon.
put it in between your leg and walk or hop one round around that thingy.
the ballon cannot touch the floor.
and being so windy n the ballon just fly any ol how.
tough time.

sometimes it just fly to wherever unreachable.
we had to wait for a few secs for the wind to get it down. haha
after that went to have dinner at Suntec Gelare
salad, a slice of cake and 2 drinks.
doesnt seem to be able to fill 3 hungry people.
( haha damn bloody fool)
all because of the fiz.
the drink.
it's FIZZY!
but after that xin said, "i still feel like eating something..."
then we're like, ".....?!"

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