i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Bon Voyage

woke up at 4:08am
when i was up mummy was already taking her shower.
i heard last night she told me she waking up at 4.
they left at around 4:30am
had breakfast with myself...
yam dumpling...
and my favourite Chives dumpling.
daddy bought it last night.
i went online, nobody was on.
i guess thats normal.
except for Joseph (teehee) and Ron.
both status set busy.
then a little while later my friend logged in.
weird time. but.... who am i to say that he's weird.
im on at this time too.
it's 4:57am now.
no mood to sleep.
wont be able to anyway.
even tho i slept at 12+
off to facebook and youtube for some serials.

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