i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

no point lah. sheesh~

during PE today, our stupid PE t'cher wasted some bloody time
asking us to go up to the hall and ended up bringing the wrong set of keys.
peeps were pissed, cos some wanted to workout at the gym.
while waiting for him to get the RIGHT set, i saw this.
the CCTV facing INWARDS.
and this. somebody cut off the pipe/wire?
of the air-con.
we played badminton. and RON manages to channel Maria Sharapova whilst playing BADMINTON!! haha, when the game starts to get "intense", she grunts. lol
and she's LAUGHING thruout the entire game.
not good RON, shouldnt be laughing while playing. haha
and whatever this is inside the hall, the curtain is SO DAMN tattered.
im telling you this place is OLDER than ME! i really dont see the point keeping the building.
i heard last yr that they were gonna demolish it to build another mega campus,
but this yr decided to keep it for some STUPID reason.
everywhere has BIRD POO, everywhere smells of RUST, nowhere is clean
(except for OUR class, its the NEWEST so its the CLEANEST, altho the floor is not exactly very clean, but CLEAN enough)
every other place in that dump is smelly and rusty and has bird poo.
on the bus on the way home...

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