i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

i cant believe i just....

i bumped, ok not bumped,
i... we... walked pass each other.

me and my primary school teacher.
my pri 5 form teacher.
she was my fave t'cher.
i stll remembered when i was in pri6 and graduated after that
she just got married
and the yr after
she got pregnant
she got 2kids
from my memory of seeing her pregnant-ing
my primary sch is just downstairs, where my flat is.
so sometimes when i look down, lucky enough i would see her.
she a mathematics, english, science and PE t'cher
thats why i would look down, the field's just right there
(i suddenly sound like a stalker) omg haha. but no i not.
she's the only teacher, ok not only, but one of my 4 most fave tcher
that i wanted to meet most.
i always think of meeting her/bumping into her.
i missed her quite abit.
after seeing her preggers for afew times
i lost count...

but yesterday, YESTERDAY
i SAW her!
she was ALONE.
this is one of those few times that i would look a person in the eye 
one of those few times that i WOULD look into the eye of a person that i have not met for a long time.
(yea, im those who hide away from familiar face from pri and sec sch.)
(only from some people, i have to say, sorry. HEE:)
ok so this is the few times that i would look into the eye of a person that i have not met for a very long time,
i SAW her
my heart POPPED
i LOOKED at her
but as we passed each other
i was staring right into her eye
so freaking funny
time seemed to passby slower in that second
just like in the movies
its stupid
but really i swear.
we just passed each other
and yet i have the time to look into her eyes
glance up and down.

she had a little tummy
made me wonder if she's having another baby
or had just given birth
(yes, thats how slow time passed, i had time for that)
she have always been slender.
and she's tall and fit too.
seeing her with a little tummy feels alittle weird.

after that i kept turning back,
hoping for her to see me...
( i saw too shocked to say hi, silly? yea.)
i went up the escalator, still looking at her
she had sat down to rest
hammering her lap/knees
i smiled.

and i thought, why is she shopping alone?
haha. funny qn. to be popping into my head at that time.
and i saw her paper bags
i smiled again
she still had that fashion thing going on.
with one last look
i turned and walked away.

i cant believe i didnt say anything
i didnt say hi
i didnt call out to her

i kinda regretted it just like 2 secs after that slow 1 sec.
but maybe its the way it should be?
maybe i'll meet her another day and then i'll say hi?
but i've waited long enough
about 6/7yrs.

( i so sound like im talking about a guy here. hahahahahaa)

maybe its "retribution"
cos i have been planning something in my own little mind.
i have this tcher which i hated
i dont think she knows. haha
but i have planned that
if one day if we were to bumped into each other on the streets
i wont say hi to her
i wont callout to her
i wont even want to smile at her

and if she were to recognize me and ask if i was phyllis from ****sch **class
and walked away.
am i really wrong to have thought of doing that?
is it really that bad?
that it backfired even when i have not done it?
im still gonna do it.

*all 4 of my fave tchers are female.
sorry but male teachers are difficult to make it the list.
and, majority of the teachers in pri and sec sch are female. 
esp pri.
im sure amongst YOUR fave tchers majority are female too.

ARGH. i still cant believe it....
after that i went to dinner still thinking about that little incident.
just couldn't snap out of it just yet.

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