i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the ninth of december twothousandandeight

today sch ended at 1145am? plus...
suppose to end at 430pm.
cos not much pple
and not much to do
after showing meefee our proposal
we're free to go.
started at 8 btw.
tho at 8 we're still outside the class.
after this preproduction process i realised i wont be a good producer
i kinda sucked at paper work
i can write a script
just the script 
or create a show
but NEVER 
oh my, what a failure.

went home
passed some time
wait for xin to end her lesson
met her for a movie at tamp.
we went to catch a chinese film.
i know so unlike me huh.
but i was kinda interested in it
its called "All About Women" (女人不壞)
Zhou Xun
Kitty Zhang Yuqi
Kwai Lun Mei

i seriously dont understand why is the movie poster like that....
all 3 women are gorgeous
in my opinion (in order)
1. kitty
2. lunmei
3. zhouxun
 their individual promo poster was much nicer.
even this is cuter.

you may know....
kitty, that female teacher in CJ7.
lunmei, from "Secret" that movie with Jay Chou
zhouxun from "Perhaps Love" 

im so stuffing myself now...
with ta mee.
before i went out my grandpa ask me if i wanna eat 
i said yes. and he bought me ta mee (meepok dry)
and when i went out i forgot that i ordered fod at home
i went to have dinner with xin
and when i came back home i saw the bowl of noodle on the table
i was like "omg im STUFFED"
because outside with xin we had pasta soup drink fruit and toast
and cakes for dessert
i felt t bad if i dont eat the ta mee
so i decided to s l o w l y stuff myself.
oh my.
i left about 2-3 mouthful

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