i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wedding of Maurice & Doris -12Dec08- @ Grand Shanghai

1st dish
at Grand Shanghai every course is served individually
so we dont have to stretch our arms and get food for ourselves.
making us seemed very lazy.
hahahaha. oh well...
it's cool la in a way.
being served. first time at a chinese wedding.
one of the two singer
they both those very ultra cheena songs...
cos grand SHANGHAI ma~
daryll's take on the chicken.
Doris is my father's cousin( the youngest i think)
looks like it.
we only see her during CNYs
but kinda close. :)
even the menu is......
yea the invitation is like that too.
very SHANGHAI ah~~~
ye shanghai ye shanghai~~~
i just love the spoon~

inside these bags are (new year) cookies
i added the newyear myself.
they looked like it. :)
Double boiled chicken soup with abalone~

here they did so well with all chicken dishes.
the first one and this and later one more.
omg the chicken is cooked til~~~~
*thumbs up*
the second singer
with "graceful" hand movments when she sings.
she's REALLY graceful la. but i dont know why i put open and close inverted commas haha.
very morning in the park taichi kinda graceful-ness.
and her expressions are like....
very expressive.
like the one on the menu. haha
prawn/shrimp balls.
but kinda oily.
but its hot.
maybe cos they rushing out the course.
no time to drain out the oil.
its good.
you can taste the freshness.
daryll's take on the "taichi master".
she sang songs like jajam bo and those very feiyuqing songs,
qingren... etc... mummy kept waiting for her to sing the "longbang song"
the every shanghai movie MUST HAVE song. hahahaa.
me and JL.
i still dont know if she wants me to name her. haha

fried cod fish.
sweetest moment of the night 1
im sad that i sat at somewhere everything is blocking me :(
but lucky to have gotten this litte shot. :)

sweetest mement of the night 2

they're like "what the..?"
when the guys started shouting.


egg white with broccoli and scallop
so good~
the texture kinda sharkfin-ish
i added vinegar and made it even more alike. heehee
the place where we're seated is so sexy~
the leather (i suppose) seating and the table cloth made us
keep fanning ourselves the whole night.
but JL's mummy fanned more. haha
the menu is officially the "FAN".
the couple's friends sang them "Cant help falling in love"
so sweet.
oh did i mentioned that they sang in at their march in.
different. :)

rice wrapped in lotus leaves
minus the leaves.
but they were wrapped in it.
the waitresses opened and served.
souffle egg white balls when red bean filling.
nothing i've ever tasted.
kinda cool.
he's my cousin.
and i dont know his name.
looks kinda errie?
with the green lanterns~
went for a walk along orchard after that.
doesnt singapore really proved to be garden city in these pictures?
looks so clean!
Hitler dolls.
all thats missing is the swastika.
sorry OUTSIDE taka.
everywhere's closed.
orchard road pictures are taken by daddy.

stopby Starbucks for a sip and slack. haha
it's already about midnight+
later took the NR7 and headed home.
reached home about 3am.
to the couple whose names rhymes
*have a blissful marriage*

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