those funny pictures also dare to print out.
so big bag.

xin, ever so colorful kid-like
woohoo. i know CNY is around the corner.... LOL

bacause of all of you i didnt bring my camera and i dont have any pictures. hahahahaha
so please send them to me asap...
what happened?
story goes like this:
27dec day out with grace turned into a mini shocker at the esplanade rooftop.
thought i was gonna meet her ONLY on the 27 then the rest on 28 as planned.
but they, ALL OF THEM planned something else.
sneeky people~
so happily with grace~~~~ then i realised that day she kept answering phone calls.
didnt know from who at first.
she said office.
so nvm. office. dont care.
after several times the phone rang at a moment that grace is busy....
ho ho ho
so i dug into her bag and pull out the phone.
it was TEA calling~~
seems like somethings wrong
phone calls after were in whisper mode.
even more suspicious
and after that grace said wanna go dinner.
and suggested esplanade restaurant.
i was like HUH?!
ok. nvm. she say she got money.
she say rooftop restaurant.
HAHAHA... plan kena leak.
walk walk walk.
on the way.... reached ground floor.
she went outside.
i thinking "rooftop not here what"
she took another call,
saying "i dont know, i try..."
hahahaha dont know where the roof is right.
*evil laugh*
escalator-ed up......
until nearing the roof i stopped.
scaring the shit outta her.
ok.nvm after that she said wanna enjoy scenry.
walk walk walk.
i saw PEOPLE in the BUSHES.
LOOKED familiar. but not quite sure.
walked closer.
suspicion kinda rested. grace started to walk SO FAST INTO THE BUSH.
i followed....
out burst
TEA, bloody hell holding a phone recording everything
and i couldnt really see the rest cos i was blinded by embarassment.
but charlotte, hweeleng, yvette, shuning, weileng and so funny leslie was there.
thats when i went " SEE I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG"
after that came the "ARGH!! FREking SHIT! i didnt bring my camera!!"
yea. so... half shocked half (i dont know what to say)
anyway we went for dinner at DOME.
it wasnt fantastic.
but ok.
but its really not worth the price tho.
i bet you guys agree too.
anyway, thanks for conning me, cheating me, bluffing me, fooling me, shocking me, scaring me, SURPRISING ME!
i really enjoyed and loved it!
and send me those damn pictures!
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