i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

fate = friendship = fate

last night went to WS with mummy to meet up with daddy after (his) work.
walked around NTUC, get some stuff....
about 10plus....plus...

decided to have a LARGE coffee at McCafe before heading back home.
(the large coffee was shared among 3 person btw)
*HELL O! coffee at night. omg.
it was good coffee~! haha

while daddy was queuing up to get fries he saw Xin and We. i mean. Audrey.
sitting at a corner.
he came back told me.
and they came over we CHATTED

you're wondering, what about the fries?
fries was bought home to my bro. he asked for it.

so we sat.
they ate.
i looked. hahaha.
xin had a fillet o fish student's meal
audrey had an apple pie.
after that xin would always wanna have cake after a meal (outside)
so we ordered one (first)
it was good~
but not enough (for xin)
too small (she said)
so went to get another one.
this time audrey went.
got a diva oprah
some kinda chocolate cake.
not bad. haha.
after that a little girl was loitering around us.
the little girl (with her father) who was loitering around that area
walked near us...
so we asked her to sit down with us.
and surprisingly, she did!
and we chatted for a little over 45mins.
haha she's 4yrs old. but still kinda small.
and she doesnt really know how to speak.
as in not many words came outta her mouth.
rather slow for a 4yr old.
most of which are of animals.

she's cute.
she sat beside audrey.
and oh my lord, she was damn funny with the kid.
as the kid was small audrey had to lean forword and bend a little while talking to her
after some time she said
"wa, very tired leh~"
then we said, "i think nxt time her kid will always be in front of her, cannot sit beside her"

and she got this really funny thing whereby she doesnt like to stop at odd numbers.
ok me too.
but she's weird. haha
like if she were to get a sip of water from xin.
and after her third sip she will wanna make 3 sips to 4.
and so i asked, nxt time if u have 3 children. how?
audrey: "make one more make it 4!"
then i asked "if somebody ask u why u give birth to 4 kids?"
audrey: " then i will say cos 3 uneven so one more to make it even."

me and xin LAUGHED!!
about 11:58plusplusplus
then it'll be 00:00. hahaha
we left McDs
the moment we said we had to go TO THE KID
yes the kid is still there, at that time
with no sign of sleepiness.
she immediatly turn DULL
stop smiling.
but we had to go. or else we'll play with her until~~~~~~~~~~
so we said bye~~

xin took bus home.
me and audrey(leng) walked home.

guess what. we dont even really know her name.
that kid.
she DID told us.
we didnt know what she was saying.
thats how baby she was. haha

i love my friends
from my gang. :]

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