i guess this is the only chance that im gonna be inside.
it's cool.
has a burger king, lerk thai, and somekinda cafe/restaurant
plus a food court too...
several ATMs and ez link top up machines. haha...
why don we get that in sec schs? heheee.
anyway, we're there to interview a lecturer for our final yr project.
really grateful that he approved...
we communicated thru afew emails.
im outside cos, some people outside kept making noise. while walking by. and plus i made a little noise myself too. but not deliberately tho.

while waiting~~
the lecturer's office area was very quiet.
the view from up there.
the day before. Ron, while eating in class. not letting john find out. haha
earlier that day, RON with one leg. haha
i miss the studio!
GRACE!! I WORE the TEE you bought me!! just nice. i was worried about the length before, but it's alright. thanks!! again.

would anybody ever cut this hairstyle ever again? if anyone do please call me.
at ah ma's house for dinner.
my Cotton On flip flops
ah ma @ work
along the corridor
before going went to *pray*

pinkish hands, if u could not see. cos of the jossticks.
i have this really calm, safe and peaceful feeling whenever i see my fingers tinted with the pinky powder of the jossticks.
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