i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

missed 3 88s

went to sch.
entreprenurship is like only 2mins. outta the entire exact 4hours lesson.
what can i say the t'cher is cool.

lunch at 12pm.
decided to watch a movie.
went to ehub.
ate at McDs. again.
i gotta stop.


walked back to sch.
bus was sardin tin-ned
just as we were about maybe alomost 50 steps away from the bus stop
another bus came.
we: "oh damn."
nvm. we walked.
alittle while more. another one came.
and it happened again.
we're like: "what the hell is wrong with the buses?"

we walk all the way back to sch.

jannson stopped halfway. hopped on the bus and went home.

in sch. nothing going on. as expected.
left in about 45mins.
end of lesson.

end of day.

nad LHH pea and jannson @ the movies.

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