i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

jessi girl~

jessica liu's in it.
she lost weight!
and still as beautiful.
or rather
prettier then before she lost some weight.
not very thin.
just slim.

after her "beach.ball.babes" 
i seem to like her more. haha
and looking forward to her nxt show.

ruien's in it too.
she seemed different.
maybe its the character. haha
she's an actress!

but she's like always playing those very cool type of person~~
all very alike.

and and and!
i cant believe Paige Chua is playing a kopi soh!
altho not very much of a "soh"
but very tomboy coffee girl.
this time very unglam.
bermudas, ill fitting top, and whats a coffee shop girl without the stupid waist pouch.
when i saw her i was *jaw dropped*
tho not very jia lat.
but im really surprise to see her take that role.

this drama's theme very serious.
those aero nautical engineering stuff.
and the characters they portray are also so smart it hurts.
back to watching telly~~

The Dream-Catchers
Channel 8

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