i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Friday, February 20, 2009

valentines [yes i know its over]

with mummy & daddy....
taka: shop shopped. bought macaroons from Bakerzin~~
they're very sweet.
but i haven tried chocolate yet.
and later that day bought Marvellous Cream from citylink and walked to Esplanade.
intended to go there sit and just enjoy the night breeze/view ...

er.... mummy didnt really like the two desserts.
too sweet. and melted too fast. she said.
oh, ya then when we went outside of the esplanade theres light at the waterfront area so we went closer to see whats going on, cos from afar you only could see the huge heart shape on the pillar.
its actually a performance by former s'pore idol contestant Matilda De Silva
(dont know if i spelt it correctly)
over the years. her voice really improved. she's really good.
she'll make taufiq and hardy seemed like nothing now.
ok, anyway, its a FREE show.
what luck. :]
she sang for about 45mins or so.
enjoyed every minute of it.
sang mostly love songs~~
all in her own verison.
not like the original....
ALOT of couples in the audience.
there were dedications.
and i must say, she's also quite a joker. hahaha.

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