i believe in Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

what the F LU

haze caused by the bush fire?
dont know if thats reason im sick
sore throat

or is it that i haven been sleeping enough.
only about 5-6 hrs per night.
but to me thats the most of the least.
the longest i can sleep is 10hrs.
the shortest is 2-3hrs.
maybe it attacked me cos im weak n i haven been sleeping enough.
yesterday went Bugis to get colleteral items for project.
doing what singaporeans wont do.
and cant believe spending so much money on that.
but wanna thank tea for accompanying me there.
sorry, so boring for you. drag you out and do this stupid thing.
i felt you're uncomfortable thru'out. take care ok.

had dinner at HANIS.
which we thought had always been HAN'S
??? huh?
at national library.
then walked around in the mall, had a disscussion and observation session at the PEN section at A B 'n' C.
or is it A 'n' B C?

discussed price, quality, packaging, design, ink, colors, quantity

how it has changed thru'out the years.
we could go on n on but because time had no mercy, it sucks up your life, we headed home.

realised more shops playing kr songs.

but only those whose albums are available here. so not much of a surprise.

but playing them OUT LOUD is new.

another shop to lookout for this is located in AMK hub. haha.

info: blasting BIG BANG's album.

dont know about the blasting. but sure about big bang.

bigbang's album is not available here.

so are the wonder girl's.

*i have to go chase my nose.

-end of post-

photos updated in the nxt post.
i dont have it now.

i wonder when Duffy's new album will be released...
daddy, shall we go to her concert?
please...... :]

in other news:

Public Transport Council expected to decide on new fares soon

Channel NewsAsia - Thursday, February 19
SINGAPORE: The Public Transport Council is expected to decide on new fares this week and commuters are hoping for some cuts in bus and train fares, especially with the gloomy economic situation.
However, transport analysts are not expecting dramatic drops and they said fare reductions will probably be in favour of concession groups.
Transport operators SBS Transit and SMRT responded to the Budget announcement last month by saying they would pass on savings from government rebates to commuters.
"If they cut it by 20 cents or 30 cents a day, I think I can save around S$100 a month," one commuter said.
"At the moment, normal fare from one end to the other is about S$2. So 30 per cent is around 60 cents, so that will be good," another added.
"I basically think they should reduce public transport fee by another 20 per cent — back to ’04—’05 levels, before inflation kicks in."
Terence Fan, assistant professor, Management, Singapore Management University (SMU), said: "As the economy is in early stages of slowdown, it’s likely that prices may fall even more later on. So it’s also possible that in the middle of the year or even next year, we’ll see a further reduction."
Transport economists said cuts serve two purposes. One, they help those currently taking public transport, and two, if well—crafted, they could stimulate demand for more trips which could help to stimulate economic activity.
"For example, retirees who would normally be home would now say, ’Hey, hang on a second. I could perhaps use this opportunity to go to that restaurant or kopi tiam to have lunch’, so that might stimulate economic activity," said Professor Fan.
A formal announcement on the new fares is expected soon.
— CNA/so
oh ya! just wanna add that NAT HO's recent role in The Dream Catchers is the best out of his previous roles so far.

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